
Each member of our team contributes a lot to the success of “AES-komplekt”, which results in having the reputation of a highly reliable and competent supplier. Our employees regularly improve their professional qualification, technical staff take training courses and undertake internship at the factory of origin HEAG in China.

If you are willing to work with us, you can send your application using a form in website section “Vacancies”, where you will find the list of currently vacant positions and the candidate specifications for each of them.

Ryhor Borozna
Ryhor Borozna
Deputy director
Reception: (+375 17) 290-00-00
E-mail: info@aes.by
Svetlana Yurchenko
Svetlana Yurchenko
Telephone: (+375 17) 290-04-04
Kirill Basyhin
Kirill Basyhin
Chief engineer
Telephone: (+375 17) 290-06-06
E-mail: bka@aes.by
Skype: Basyhin
Kirill Nikolaychik
Kirill Nikolaychik
Head of sales department. High-voltage equipment. Infrared cameras, pyrometers
Telephone: (+375 33) 300-01-00
E-mail: nka@aes.by
Skype: kirill19261
Dmitry Moroz
Dmitry Moroz
Head of Maintenance Centre
Telephone: (+375 33) 300-01-21
E-mail: dmitry3000121@gmail.com