Our specialization
High voltage equipment 10–110 kV
For more than 10 years, “AES-Komplekt” presents electric power production of corporation HEAG
in the Republic of Belarus, Russia, the Ukraine, the Baltic States and Poland.
V Юбилейный праздничный благотворительный концерт, посвященный Дню Победы, прошел 4 мая в Белорусском государственном академическом музыкальном театре...
Все желающие могли «посетить» ветропарк под г. Новогрудком, не покидая нашего стенда и получить на память фото.
Why work with us profitable?
Manufacturing facilitiesHaving our own manufacturing facilities allows to efficiently serve the equipment in shortest termsProjects financingProvision of credit lines for the construction of substations and automation of distribution nets; the ability to supply equipment by instalment for a period up to 5 years.
Work delivery on a turnkey basisEngineering supervision of the introduction of new equipment: from delivery until putting into service; installation works, starting-up and adjustment.Prompt responseResponse to customers’ claims and appeals within 8 hours throughout the whole territory of Belarus
We have much to be proud!
During the existence of the company have been successfully implemented many projects

Гомельская ТЭЦ-1 (РУП "Гомельэнерго", 2017 гг.)
В РУП "Гомельэнерго" на завершающую стадию реализации выведен проект "Реконструкция Гомельской ТЭЦ-1 с созданием блока ПГУ-35 с установкой ГТУ-25,...

Windfarm (RUE "Grodnoenergo", 2016)
At Grabniki Windfarm of Grodno Region (Belarus) the first turbine of 1.5 MW produced by HEAG
was put into operation in 2011, five more turbines...